// Use this file to configure your SOURCE DEDICATED server. // This config file is executed everytime the server changes levels. // This file is made by Lady Racquel, you can visit us @ www.vividclan.com // *********** SERVER & PASSWORD INFO *************** // Change it to 1 if you want a LAN only Server sv_lan 0 // contact & geo 0=US East coast, 1=US West coast, 2= South America, 3=Europe, 4=Asia, 5=Australia, 6=Middle East, 7=Africa and 255=world. // Change the number to the region you live in!!! sv_region 3 // Give your server a name here hostname "Put your Server Name here" // Rcon password is used to give your server orders by using console, so think of a good password rcon_password "Putyourrconpasswordhere" // If you want your server to be private, fill in a password and delete the // in front of sv_password // sv_password "Putyourprivatepasswordhere" // *********** GAME SETTINGS, YOU CAN CHANGE THESE THE WAY YOU LIKE IT *************** // Sets the amount of minutes players are able to buy mp_buytime 1 // Sets the amount of starting money, max=16000 mp_startmoney 8000 // Sets the amount of secs before C4 explodes mp_c4timer 30 // 1 enables flashlight, 0 disables it mp_flashlight 1 // 1 enables hearing footsteps, 0 disables it mp_footsteps 1 // 1 enables falling damage, 0 disables it mp_falldamage 1 // Sets the number of hostages a player can kill before they are booted from the server. 0 is disabled mp_hostagepenalty 0 // TIME, WIN & ROUND SETTINGS // Timelimit is how many minutes for a map. mp_timelimit 45 // When a team reaches this amount of wins (before the timelimit or the roundlimit is // reached), it has won the map. 0=disabled mp_winlimit 14 // When two teams finish playing this amount of rounds (before the timelimit or the // winlimit is reached) the map ends. 0=disabled mp_maxrounds 21 // Round time, in minutes. After this amount of minutes has passed, // a scenario win is awarded. Min 1, Max 9 mp_roundtime 3 // Sets the seconds before players can move in the beginning of a round mp_freezetime 4 // TEAMBALANCING // Toggles the forcing of clients to join teams to make it balanced. 1=on and 0=off mp_autoteambalance 1 // Sets the maximum number of players that one team can have more than the // other team. Use a setting of '0' to completely disable the team limiting. mp_limitteams 1 // FF & TEAMKILL & IDLE // Toggles friendly fire 1=on and 0=off mp_friendlyfire 0 // Toggles the forcing of a player to sit out the next round if he // has just killed a teammate. 1=on and 0=off mp_tkpunish 1 // Kick idle/team-killing players. 1=on and 0=off mp_autokick 1 // Kick players who team-kill within this many seconds of a round restart. mp_spawnprotectiontime 10 // After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped sv_timeout 40 // SPECTATORS // Restricts spectatorcamera view for dead players. 1=on and 0=off mp_forcecamera 1 // toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not. 1=on and 0=off mp_allowspectators 1 // ************ IF YOU HAVE LAG ISSUES YOU CAN CHANGE THESE SETTINGS, IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING ***************** // SET RATES // Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0=unlimited, max=20000 sv_maxrate 8000 // Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0=unlimited, 4000=good to keep dialup gamers off the server sv_minrate 1000 // Maximum updates per second that the server will allow, increasing this will take more cpu power, 100 is max sv_maxupdaterate 60 // Frame rate limiter fps_max 300 // DOWNLOAD // Allow clients to download files sv_allowdownload 1 // Allow clients to upload customizations files like logospray files sv_allowupload 1 // *********** IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING YOU CAN CHANGE THESE SETTINGS AS WELL ************* // SERVER LOGGING, creates a logfile (needed for statsprograms), "log off" to turn off logging log on // VOICE disabled, if you want VOICE enabled then change 0 into 1 sv_voiceenable 0 // CHEATS & PAUSE sv_cheats 0 // disable clients' ability to pause the server sv_pausable 0 // OTHER SETTINGS // amount of seconds players can chat after the game is over mp_chattime 15 // if not 0 then game will restart in the specified number of seconds mp_restartgame 0 // Exec files on startup...these are placed in the "C:\srcds\cstrike\cfg\" folder. // No big deal if you don't have these files! exec banned_users.cfg exec bot.cfg exec mani_server.cfg